Welcome to CryptoADHD.com
Come mine with us!
We love to mine for fun and profit. We enjoy exploring new cryptos and giving back to the community as much as possible. We try to always keep our overhead low so we can run our pools with only 1% fees. In addition, we attempt to donate a portion of our pool fees and donations to charities related to the coins we're supporting.
Follow us on Twitter and IRC
We're on Twitter!
You can also find us on Freenode IRC channel #CryptoADHD
Current donation initiatives
50% of pool fees and donations for our MazaCoin pool are going to go to http://lakotachildren.org/
50% of pool fees and donations for our H2OCoin pool will be donated to http://thewaterproject.org/
(Note: We are not affiliated with these charities in any way - We just believe they are worthy causes)
Pool Stats:
EmbargoCoin Pool @ CryptoADHD.com | has | 0 | TH/s with | 0 | workers! |
Quebecoin Pool @ CryptoADHD.com | has | 0 | MH/s with | 0 | workers! |
Maza pool @ CryptoADHD.com | has | 0 | TH/s with | 0 | workers! |
Maplecoin pool @ CryptoADHD.com | has | 0 | KH/s with | 0 | workers! |
Dash Pool @ CryptoADHD.com | has | 0 | MH/s with | 0 | workers! |
H2O Pool @ CryptoADHD.com | has | 0 | KH/s with | 0 | workers! |
IrishCoin Pool @ CryptoADHD.com | has | 0 | KH/s with | 0 | workers! |